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24 May 2013

Ladies are you aware of the following website ?

Please have a look at the following      so that you can discuss the issues raised with your Health Care Provider before opting for such surgery.  

09 May 2013

Your delivery address

Please make sure that your “ship to” details are correct because this information is out of our control as these details can only be completed/input by a customer.

29 March 2013

Easter Holidays

You can still order over Easter. Orders placed : Good Friday through to Bank Holiday Monday will qualify for ‘Fast-Track’ delivery at no extra cost.

21 February 2013

Motto of the Month

“Remember to  …… Wave now and then.” We thought it would make you smile, as well as keep you all focused.

20 February 2013

Testimonials are on hold for now as we are getting too many.

We are getting swamped with testimonials so they have been put on hold for the moment.

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