Karen from Hastings wants to share her experience
24 June 2016
We have received a wonderful letter from a customer who we have given additional support to, which she has agreed can be shared with others to give encouragement to other ladies.
11th June 2016
Dear Everyone at Vagi-Wave,
I am writing to you today to let you know just how much you have changed my life. I struggled for a long time and in the end found myself looking for any excuse to avoid my husband. At first it was easy, like saying I had to get up earlier than usual for work so was tired, and these excuses worked ok for a while. Then I found myself in an intolerable position when it came to being on holiday. I was unable to be intimate and it caused many arguments , him unable to understand what was wrong with him, me or both of us. In the end I went to my doctor and that was a waste of time I was unable to get my feeling of despair across and so I turned to the internet. I found all kinds of things for what I was suffering from (vaginismus) but they required me to stretch myself open, the whole concept was intimidating but I kept looking. Then I found you, I read your science section and it all made sense to me. I eventually had the courage to explain my problem to my husband who agreed I should buy the Vagi-Wave. So this it what happened next.
I used it for 21 nights, but was still anxious, so emailed you and gave you my phone number. A lovely lady called me back the following day and had a good chat with me, and I explained I could use it very easily but I was scared to initiate sex for fear of running a mile once we got down to the nitty gritty. I agreed to use it again for another 21 nights, and then made a commitment to myself that I would go for it. Although I was nervous I did approach my husband and we did have basic sex. It was over pretty quick because I was still nervous. But the following night I found I was ready to go the extra, and that is what happened, our marriage was like a re-consummation and it was great. Since then we have had regular sex, nothing OTT because we are taking it slow.
What is important for me to share with you is my story about the fact that your website was informative and supportive and you made me feel there was a way to beat this vaginismus without the need of discomfort, and that I could do this in private when I was asleep. All I ask of any lady who is going through this vaginismus hell , is to put their trust in the product and their own ability to self heal. After missing out on intimacy with my husband for the past 4 years I can truly say that without my Vagi-Wave all would have been lost. It is remarkable, you are all remarkable and I am forever grateful. A huge thank you from me and my husband.
Best Wishes,
Karen ****************** (Hastings)
PS: I have just had a smear too ! I use my Vagi-Wave to work my pelvic floor too because I can see the results in a mirror as it bounces up and down. How amazing is that